The Rise of a Side Hustle - A KaptivateMe Client Story Mattie shares how her work with Coach Kate has created an empowering life and new business. Read More Stories, TestimonialsKate PeabodyFebruary 12, 2019life coach, life satisfaction, goal setting, career coach, business coach, becoming a coach, why get a life coach, kate peabody, denver coach, denver career coach, denver business coach, denver life coach, denver creative coach, denver creative life coach, creative coach, creative life coach, career coach denver, business coach denver, life coach denver, life coach for women, new business coach, new business coach denver, new career coach, how to find a new career, how to start a business, how to take back your life, mindfulness coach, denver mindfulness coach, positive psychology coach denver, positive psychology, Kate Peabody, Kate Peabody Kaptivate, Kaptivate coaching, Coach Kate Peabody, ICF certified coach colorado, ICF certified coach, mentor coach, coach for ux professionals, freelancer coach, denver workshops for women, colorado workshops for women, five year planning, life plan, goals coach, wellbeing coach, goals coach denverComment