The Reset Deck is HERE - Order a Deck for Yourself, Friend & Colleagues
If you’ve been following along, you know my bestie and fellow coach KD Hurlbutt of Bask+Being held a Kick-Starter last year to bring her dream of accessible wellness care to life. And she was successful!
Now formally named, The Reset Deck “provides 45 ways to make stress suck less—using your breath, body or brain. The Reset Deck pulls exercises from therapy, breathwork, yoga, meditation, coaching, and our imaginations—because there’s no one way to wellness. Ready for some pocket-sized peace of mind? Grab the deck and pick a card.”
Copies of The Reset Deck have now happily been circulating the world since December, and are already making an impact. I’ve been incorporating The Reset Deck in my coaching sessions with clients, as well have sent more than a dozen out as gifts, with great results.
Read the feedback I’ve been getting, and then grab your own deck (or a couple, because wellbeing is best shared). I know I just ordered another dozen decks!
Use the discount code RESETFORWARD at checkout for 10% off.
“Thank you for these cards, I’ve been playing with them the last few weeks. Earlier this week I pulled ‘say five things you’re grateful for out loud.’ I really liked that one”
“Thank you for the cards! So cool. They will be great gifts for my team - so will be looking into putting an order in!”
“Thank you so much! I really appreciate it… Keep sending more stuff like this. It’s perfect and greatly appreciated!”
“Oh, that was really nice. I feel very relaxed. And I was wound up from my last meeting. Thank you.”
“This is so fun, and helpful - it’s been so stressful around here lately. Ooh, “a ta-dah list” - my husband and I are definitely going to start doing that immediately. Where can I buy more of these decks? I want to send one to my sister immediately.”
I had the honor of supporting KD behind the scenes to see her dream come to life. I even helped her wrap and send out her first 300 orders - yes, out of her home! Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, it takes grit AND a village (ask for help!). Thank you for being a great example, KD! #teamworkmakesthedreamwork